Consolidated Research Group supported by Generalitat de Catalunya that includes researches devoted to study terrestrial ecosystems functioning. The group focuses on ecosystem responses to environmental changes...
Consolidated Research Group supported by Generalitat de Catalunya focused on t he study of the structure and functioning of forest ecosystems (forests, scrublands and natural grasslands)...
Global change is putting the world’s forests under tremendous pressure. Our group studies the functioning of trees and forests and their response to environmental changes. This is done by combining...
Consolidated Research Group supported by Generalitat de Catalunya that studies of the interdependence between the biogeodynamics of the biogeosphere (transport, storage and reactivity of materials and energy...
Consolidated Research Group supported by Generalitat de Catalunya , GRUMETS is a motivated and productive team, consisting of approximately 20 researchers and multidisciplinary, from a rich diversity of backgrounds...
How are mountain systems responding to the effects of global change?
The "Soil Protection" group, a Research Group of the Government of Catalonia with file number 2021 SGR 01038 , is composed of 11 members , of which 8 are...
Habitat loss and degradation are generally considered the most important threats to biodiversity.
Consolidated Research Group supported by Generalitat de Catalunya that studies the global, climatic and anthropogenic local change effects on terrestrial ecosystems.
Facing global change isn’t an easy task, therefore decision-making processes should take advantage of all available scientific knowledge.
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