The main objectives of this research are to measure the impact of global change on Mediterranean ecosystems.
Mediterranean ecosystems have features that make them particularly interesting. In terms of biodiversity they are of high value as a result of their biogeographic history. Mediterranean ecosystems are found in regions with a special climate, where the dry season coincides with the highest seasonal temperatures. They also experience a disturbance regime associated with the climate and wildfires - a regime which has been profoundly altered as a result of human interventions. As a matter of fact, human activities have profoundly shaped the ecosystems of the Mediterranean Basin throughout recent history. These ecosystems are therefore a point of reference for understanding the effects of global change considering the transformations in land use, biogeochemical cycles and the distribution of biota.
Climatically, Mediterranean ecosystems are situated at the transition between the subtropical arid and humid temperate regions, whereas climate change scenarios indicate a clear tendency towards greater aridity. From its beginning as a research center, CREAF has studied these ecosystems due to their ecological value as well as physical proximity to the center. It is for these reasons that many of CREAF's research lines center on this geographic area. The main objectives of this research are to measure the impact of global change on Mediterranean ecosystems by assessing the multiple interactions that occur between climate, living beings, fires, and human activity, also taking into account the region's evolutionary history.
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