GENAMAD Contracts and agreementsProject duration: Jan 2010 to May 2013Automatic procedure for acquiring, interpolating and generating abundance and distribution maps of fauna and flora: Application to biodiversity cartographic system of The Doñana National Park.IntroductionThe project aims to test a methodology to make publicly available elaborated data on species distribution and abundance of flora and fauna of Doñana National Park. The methodology includes the testing of simple interpolation methods and hybrid (combined with multivariate statistics), from tabular data capable to be mapped by coordinate or by place names and their corresponding validation for the generation of continuous maps of species distribution and abundance in the park. It also contemplates its inclusion in an Internet mapping server using OGC standards (WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS), whith a Web Processing Service (WPS) for further new generation of maps by users. All this must be included in an automated procedure designed to operate from the time of data collection, with full interoperability and technological neutrality. The project contributes to make the information public in a more easily readable way, thus increasing its accessibility and quality, and helping to improve its processes of capture and compilation.