National Projects
Project duration: 
Jan 2008 to Sep 2009

There are still unresolved issues in the study of water transport in the xylem of plants. In this proposal we use the complex networks theory to explore some of these issues, with the aim of creating a new theoretical framework that will provide a better description of xylematic transport in plants.


Preliminary results show that taking into account the topology of the xylem network changes substantially some of the predictions regarding its conductive efficiency and safety against environmental stress such as droughts. These issues have not been considered in the past. Here we propose to measure experimentally connectivity and other system-level properties of the xylem network and also to further explore the theoretical implications of network structure in its functioning. A better understanding of the mechanisms involved in plant water transport are fundamental to improve our capacity to predict plant responses to drought and climate change.


Resultats preliminars mostren que la consideració de la topologia de la xarxa xilemàtica canvia en gran mesura les prediccions d'eficiència conductora i la vulnerabilitat a episodis d'estrés ambiental com ara l'eixut. Aquests aspectes mai abans havien estat considerats i ens proposem ara per una banda, mesurar experimentalment la connectivitat i altres propietats de la xarxa del xilemai, de l'altra, explorar des d'un punt de vista teòric les implicacions que l'estructura de la xarxa té en el seu funcionament. Una millor comprensió del mecanismes implicats en el transport d'aigua en les plantes és bàsica per millorar la nostra capacitat de predir la seva resposta a l'eixut i al canvi climàtic.

  • Xilema