Has been part of 3 CREAF projects Projects involved in REGENERA.CAT Regenerative Agriculture as a way to advance towards food sovereignty and the fight against climate change, biodiversity loss and rural abandonment AgriCarboniCat - Dinàmica del carboni en agrosistemes Carbon Agriculture in Catalonia AgriRegenCat - Xarxa de finques demostratives Regenerative Agriculture in Catalonia Related linksResearchgate mj.broncano@creaf.uab.cat935814040Office: C5b/046PhD in Ecology by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. From February 2022 she is the technical coordinator of the CREAF Severo Ochoa Program, besides being connected to the center for several years as a researcher. Among other responsibilities, she has been the technical manager of the European project Polyfarming, a Life project coordinated by CREAF. She has also been involved in the Interreg project Open2Preserve, focused on grazing areas in mountain areas, at the Veterinary school of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She has been an Assistant Professor at the same School for more than 5 years, and she has also been in charge of the initiatives of the Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori. Interests Animal and food science