Senior researcher

Francisco Lloret Maya

Ecology Professor at the Universitat Autònoma Barcelona (UAB, Spain) and researcher at CREAF.
He is a member of the Executive Committee of the European Ecological Federation, the Sociedad Ibérica de Ecología and the  Consell de Protecció de la Natura de Catalunya. He represents the scientific community on the Governing Board of the Alt Pirineu Natural Park (Catalonia), of which he also chairs the scientific commission. Between 2015 and 2019 he chaired the Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre, of which he was subsequently vice-president.
His research has focused on studying the structure, functioning and dynamics of plant communities in relation to climate change and disturbances such as fire, extreme drought, invasions by alien species and forest pests. He has studied the limits of resilience to the regime of such disturbances, considering the functional attributes of species and their regeneration mechanisms, the historical legacy of management and changes in land use. He has also investigated forest and shrub decline associated with drought episodes, characterising the climatic niche of species and their contribution to the structuring of these communities. He has published more than 150 scientific articles, with 10,000 citations (Scopus) and has led numerous national and international research projects. He has published more than 150 scientific articles, with 10,000 citations (Scopus) and has led numerous national and international research projects.


Has participated in:

Project / Initiative
National projects

Mejorando el modelado de procesos clave de dinámica forestal para la proyección de cambios a largo plazo del bosque Mediterráneo en un contexto de cambio climático

Biogeografia funcional
Research group

Terrestrial ecosystems response to environmental changes and gradients

Alzina sense fulles a un camp groguenc
Project / Initiative

Functional biogeography and resilience of terrestrial ecosystems

Últimes publicacions:

2023 | Journal Article

Hoeben, Annechien Dirkje; Stern, Tobias; Lloret, Francisco

A Review of Potential Innovation Pathways to Enhance Resilience in Wood-Based Value Chains. 301-318

2023 | Journal Article

Margalef-Marrase, Jordi; Molowny-Horas, Roberto; Jaime, Luciana; Lloret, Francisco

(en) - Modelling the dynamics of Pinus sylvestris forests after a die-off event under climate change scenarios,Modelling the dynamics of Pinus sylvestris forests after a die-off event under climate change scenarios. -

2023 | Journal Article

Lloret Maya, Francisco;Paniw, Maria;García Callejas, David;Bassar, Ronald D.;Travis, Joseph;Godoy, Oscar

(ca) - Pathways to global-change effects on biodiversity :,Pathways to global-change effects on biodiversity: New opportunities for dynamically forecasting demography and species interactions. 20221494-

2023 | Journal Article

Verdu, Miguel; Garrido, Jose L.; Alcantara, Julio M.; Montesinos-Navarro, Alicia; Aguilar, Salomon; Aizen, Marcelo A.; Al-Namazi, Ali A.; Alifriqui, Mohamed; Allen, David; Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina J.; Armas, Cristina; Bastida, Jesus M.; Bellido, Tono; Bonanomi, Giuliano; Paterno, Gustavo B.; Briceno, Herbert; de Oliveira, Ricardo A. C.; Campoy, Josefina G.; Chaieb, Ghassen; Chu, Chengjin; Collins, Sarah E.; Condit, Richard; Constantinou, Elena; Degirmenci, Cihan U.; Delalandre, Leo; Duarte, Milen; Faife, Michel; Fazlioglu, Fatih; Fernando, Edwino S.; Flores, Joel; Flores-Olvera, Hilda; Fodor, Ecaterina; Ganade, Gislene; Garcia, Maria Begona; Garcia-Fayos, Patricio; Gavini, Sabrina S.; Goberna, Marta; Gomez-Aparicio, Lorena; Gonzalez-Pendas, Enrique; Gonzalez-Robles, Ana; Hubbell, Stephen P.; Ipekdal, Kahraman; Jorquera, Maria J.; Kikvidze, Zaal; Kutkut, Pinar; Ledo, Alicia; Lendinez, Sandra; Li, Buhang; Liu, Hanlun; Lloret, Francisco; Lopez, Ramiro P.; Lopez-Garcia, Alvaro; Lortie, Christopher J.; Losapio, Gianalberto; Lutz, James A.; Luzuriaga, Arantzazu L.; Malis, Frantisek; Manrique, Esteban; Manzaneda, Antonio J.; Marcilio-Silva, Vinicius; Michalet, Richard; Molina-Venegas, Rafael; Navarro-Cano, Jose Antonio; Novotny, Vojtech; Olesen, Jens M.; Ortiz-Brunel, Juan P.; Pajares-Murgo, Maria; Parissis, Nikolas; Parker, Geoffrey; Perea, Antonio J.; Perez-Hernandez, Vidal; Perez-Navarro, Maria Angeles; Piston, Nuria; Pizarro-Carbonell, Elisa; Prieto, Ivan; Prieto-Rubio, Jorge; Pugnaire, Francisco, I; Ramirez, Nelson; Retuerto, Ruben; Rey, Pedro J.; Rodriguez Ginart, Daniel A.; Rodriguez-Sanchez, Mariana; Sanchez-Martin, Ricardo; Schob, Christian; Tavsanoglu, Cagatay; Tedoradze, Giorgi; Tercero-Araque, Amanda; Tielboerger, Katja; Touzard, Blaise; Tufekcioglu, Irem; Turkis, Sevda; Usero, Francisco M.; Usta, Nurbahar; Valiente-Banuet, Alfonso; Vargas-Colin, Alexia; Vogiatzakis, Ioannis; Zamora, Regino

(en) - RecruitNet: A global database of plant recruitment networks,(ca) - RecruitNet:,RecruitNet: A global database of plant recruitment networks. o-o

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