Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI)
Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI)
CREAF has a gender officer and a JEDI committee that works together with Management to ensure that there is room for everyone's talent based on the principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI).

At CREAF, we are committed to fostering an inclusive research environment that celebrates diversity and challenges bias. Our JEDI Plan has been designed based on an in-depth diagnosis of each of the work axes that underpin the strategy. To promote co-creation, this plan incorporates the contributions collected during a participatory day open to all center staff.
JEDI committee
JEDI committee
The JEDI committee is made up of seven members chosen in an open call and who represent the diversity of people and professional categories of the center. Since its renewal in November 2021, the following are currently part:
Networks of which we are part
Networks of which we are part
Other JEDI campaigns
Other JEDI campaigns
CREAF i Javier Royo llancen #aquipassa, una campanya per visibilitzar la desigualtat de gènere a la ciència
CREAF i Javier Royo llancen #aquipassa, una campanya per visibilitzar la desigualtat de gènere a la ciència
#EMCOMPROMETO, la gent del CREAF es compromet a favor de la igualtat entre homes i dones dins del món científic
#EMCOMPROMETO, la gent del CREAF es compromet a favor de la igualtat entre homes i dones dins del món científic