Ecotons, art and science
Ecotons, art and science
We explore the creative transition zones between art and ecology. CREAF has an artistic residency that aims to foster creativity and generate a fertile dialogue between science and art that contributes to generate knowledge and reflections in the field of ecology and global change.

Who are we?
Who are we?
Jaume Terradas Residence
Jaume Terradas Residence
The Jaume Terradas artistic residency is an artist support initiative promoted by CREAF, which seeks to effectively encourage collaboration between artistic and scientific research in the search for common horizons and mutual enrichment.
The selection of the people involved is carried out through a curatorial process to facilitate the establishment of deep and effective dialogues. First, potential interested research groups within CREAF are identified and, then, profiles of artists with whom they could fit in. Once the selection is made, a mediation figure accompanies the artist and the research group and ensures that common objectives and effective interaction mechanisms are defined. The residency as a whole, including the curatorial stage, has an expected duration of one year, during which the interdisciplinary exploration work should catalyze the creation of a scientific-artistic product.
The name of the residence pays tribute to Jaume Terradas, founder of CREAF and ecologist with an extensive and recognized career in his field, but also with a strong interest in the intersection between art and science.
Previous artistic residencies
Previous artistic residencies

Ecotones are transition zones between different ecological communities, marginal places where different realities come into contact, generating tensions, but also unexpected fertility.
More fertility
More fertility
Other Ecotons activities
Other Ecotons activities
Would you like to collaborate with us?
Contact us at this e-mail address:
The ECOTONS artistic residency of CREAF is part of the Severo Ochoa “ULandscape” funded in 2019 by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation to support Research Centres of Excellence.