Transfer Officer

Enrique Doblas Miranda

PhD in Biology, I am a researcher and expert in rural development, and I am connected to a network of local and international research centres, SMEs, NGOs and policy makers. I am also specialized in research consultancy, from the elaboration of integrated assessments and reports for the European Commission, FAO and the Union for the Mediterranean, to research and innovation projects evaluation (Horizon, LIFE, COST…).

PhD in Biology, I am a researcher and expert in rural development, and I am connected to a network of local and international research centres, SMEs, NGOs and policy makers. I am also specialized in research consultancy, from the elaboration of integrated assessments and reports for the European Commission, FAO and the Union for the Mediterranean, to research and innovation projects evaluation (Horizon, LIFE, COST…). I’ve been a CREAF researcher since 2010 and in August 2022 I assume the responsibility of the center’s Transfer officer.

I have been involved in applying research to innovation since my postdoctoral years in Canada, working in strong collaboration with forestry companies. This led me to join CREAF, coordinating the MONTES Consolider project about ecological conservation through exploitation. Both experiences revealed my truly passion for a more holistic approach of research, where transfer plays a crucial role. Since then, I have participated in the creation of businesses in the environmental sector as the principal investigator of the project EC-FP7 MENFRI (on boosting Mediterranean forestry innovation). This led me to co-found the NODE NGO, aimed at empowering sustainable development, which later evolved to the Adwisers, a consultancy group on internationalization, innovation and leadership. Recently, I became member of the Ship2B Foundation’s expert team, the main business accelerator on climate change adaptation technologies in Spain.

I am currently involved in the project InterregEU PROGRESS (transfer to policy makers about ecosystem services). And I had previously participated in other CREAF initiatives on agricultural and forest landscapes sustainability and management under global change. I have persevered with my principal line of research about soil biodiversity, which has led me to study the dynamics of Mediterranean, template and boreal forests and agroecosystems.

I have given several talks and have worked as author of different publications, both for a scientific and for a broader audience, at a national and international level.

Ha participat en:

Tool / Guidebook
National Projects

Cómo integrar el cambio global en la gestión de los montes españoles

Dinàmica forestal i incendis
Research group

Forest dynamics and wildfires

Project / Initiative

Climate Adaptation and Resilience Demonstrated In the MEDiterranean region

Últimes publicacions:

2022 | Journal Article

Andrés, Pilar; Doblas-Miranda, Enrique; Silva-Sánchez, Alex; Mattana, Stefania; Font, Francesc

Physical, Chemical, and Biological Indicators of Soil Quality in Mediterranean Vineyards under Contrasting Farming Schemes,(en) - Physical, Chemical, and Biological Indicators of Soil Quality in Mediterranean Vineyards under Contrasting Farming Schemes. 2643-

2021 | Journal Article

Daniel Kneeshaw; Brian R. Sturtevant; Louis DeGrandpé; Enrique Doblas‐Miranda; Patrick M. A. James; D. Tardif; Philip J. Burton

The Vision of Managing for Pest-Resistant Landscapes: Realistic or Utopic?. 97-113

2021 | Journal Article

Enrique Doblas‐Miranda

Soil Ecosystems Change With Time. -

2021 | Journal Article

Doblas-Miranda, Enrique; Pino, Joan; Espelta, Josep Maria

Connectivity affects species turnover in soil microarthropod communities during Mediterranean forest establishment,(en) - Connectivity affects species turnover in soil microarthropod communities during Mediterranean forest establishment. -