12/09/2022 Protagonists

Iolanda Filella, among the top 200 women scientists in Spain

International PR & Corporate Communications

Adriana Clivillé Morató

Journalist, convinced of communication to build better organizations. Delving into international relations.

CREAF and CSIC researcher Iolanda Filella Cubells is one of the top 200 female scientists from all fields of research in Spain, to the Webometrics ranking. This indicator highlights research professionals based on the scientific citations of their work and indexed publications. Filella belongs to the Global Ecology Unit and her areas of specialisation are remote sensing of the functioning of ecosystems, the study of the effects of climate change on the functioning and structure of ecosystems, as well as the mechanisms and functions of the emissions of volatile organic compounds for plants.

Regarding the recognition, she explains it is always good news, "because it gives visibility to many years of dedication, although it must be said that it is circumstantial". And about her extensive scientific career, she acknowledges that she has enjoyed "the privilege of being able to choose." This is why she is currently devoting herself once again to aspects she began when she was working towards her doctorate: remote sensing of vegetation functioning.

Today she develops remote sensing techniques for ecosystems functioning that are now widely used internationally, and studies different aspects of vegetation to be taken into account in order to improve measurements. Thus, it carries out relevant research to monitor and understand the interactions between terrestrial ecosystems and climate change. The study of volatile organic compounds emitted by vegetation is another knowledge area she is involved in again, starting a brand new collaboration with researcher Ana M. Yáñez. Precisely, transversality and teamwork are issues she highlights of the Global Ecology Group.

"Scientific research has a very attractive side of discovering and answering questions, of taking part in the challenge of understanding"

Being a member of the research group led by CREAF and CSIC researcher Josep Peñuelas has provided her with many resources and a valuable network, she says, and has helped her to develop her professional potential. And she recalls that intense work was already the keynote of the team when she was a pre-doctoral researcher: "I worked a lot and the result was a super CV, because I had published a lot".

Today, research is the focus of 100% of Iolanda Filella's professional dedication, a task she sees as small steps to contribute to advancing knowledge. "Scientific research has a very attractive aspect of discovering and answering questions, of taking part in the challenge of understanding", she explains with a very evident gentleness and modesty, behind which lies a solid determination. "Asking questions is stimulating, apart from being part of the discovery, even if only in small steps".

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