PhD program in Terrestrial Ecology We prepare the skilled, creative and diverse ecological science research of tomorrow CREAF offers a high-level scientific training program to students, scientists, technicians, managers and interested persons who would like to attain a solid and up-to-date foundation in the fields of terrestrial ecology, biodiversity management, forest fires, and global change, management of water resources, or GIS and remote sensing technologies. PhD program PhD in Terrestrial EcologyThe CREAF coordinates the PhD in Terrestrial Ecology which consists in writing, presenting and defending am original piece of research which, in this case, is framed within the ambit of the terrestrial ecology. This PhD program is aimed at students interested in understanding the processes involved in global environmental change and the loss of biodiversity, as well as possible actions to mitigate the damaging effects of environmental changes and the conservation of natural resources.The program has twice received the Mention of Excellence by the Spanish Ministry of Education.The main professional opportunities arising from this PhD program are:Researchers or lecturer in public research organizations and universitiesManagers of public and private institutions responsible for land managementSpecialists in the private sectorThe PhD program consists of 35 lecturers and associated researchers working on the following lines of research: Biodiversity, Functional ecology and global change; Forest ecology and fires; Soil protection and conservation; Remote sensing and GIS.CoordinatorBernat Claramunt LópezAdministrationCREAFBuilding CUAB Campus08193 Cerdanyola del VallèsPhone: +0034 93 581 13 12Contact: Bernat Claramunt LópezRequest information Masters programs Official Master in Terrestrial Ecology and Biodiversity ManagementCREAF is a collaborating institution in the master's degree in Terrestrial Ecology and Biodiversity Management. This master is addressed to students interested in the processes involved in the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems and the options for mitigating their future deterioration in a context of global environmental change, and also to students interested in the management and conservation of biological natural resources (flora and fauna).The master's degree takes up one academic year (60 ECTS) and is divided into two specializations: Terrestrial Ecology and Management and Diversity of Fauna and Flora (marine and terrestrial).Coordinator of the Specialty in Terrestrial EcologyProf. Francisco Lloret ga.masters.biociencies@uab.catRequest information Official Master in Remote Sensing and GIS CREAF is a collaborating institution in this master. The aim of the master is to provide sound scientific training in techniques for observing the Earth and for generating and analyzing information in order to be able to study a given territory and manage its resources using GIS. The course has a scientific and technical orientation and focuses on the acquisition of an in-depth knowledge of the content of the course and establishing a sound base from which the student can continue his or her studies. To achieve this, the master will provide the student with knowledge, tools and experiences that facilitate the development of professional skills necessary for employment in the current context and the development of his scientific career through a PhD program. ContactIf you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Coordination via email: information