Office: C5/1088
He has been a researcher for CREAF since 1995. He is developing his research in macroecology on the impacts of disturbances and global change in forests (die-off, vulnerability, resilience and biodiversity): demography, carbon balance, growth, mortality and regeneration at large-scale.
He has published 12 articles in SCI journals. He has been in charge of the calculation and analysis of information from national forest inventories and the management of these databases. He developed software applications to help users to make queries about this information through Internet.
He has participated in several European projects and research projects funded by various ministries and INIA, and in several contracts with the Administration. He has been responsible for several reports commissioned by the Government on the use of forest biomass for energy and the calculation of carbon stocks and carbon balance of Spanish and Catalan forests.


Vulnerability and resilience of forests at large-scale to global change, Carbon cycle of natural systems, Forest information obtained from LiDAR technology

Structure and dynamics of forest communities, Forest die-off and regeneration, Forest databases

Design and management of large databases, Development of query tools of forest information