CREAF is a public center for research in terrestrial ecology, global change and the analysis of the territory, that pursues excellence in knowledge generation and transfer, methodology development, innovation, training and dissemination. Our center has more than 160 scientific, technical and administrative staff from different countries, working together for the progress of an environmental research of excellence.
CREAF has received the HR Excellence in Research award from the European Commission, which shows the commitment of our center with the transparency of the recruitment procedures, based on merit and ability, and promoting attractive working conditions, in accordance with the European Charter for Researchers and the European Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers.
CREAF works to ensure a fair and transparent recruitment, to promote equal opportunities and to improve the evaluation procedures.
30 fellowships for early-stage researchers of any nationality to pursue their PhD studies in the best Spanish research centres accredited with the Spanish Seal of Excellence Severo Ochoa distinction. Deadline: 24 January 2024, at 2 pm Peninsular Spain All applications must be necessarily submitted through the “la Caixa” Foundation’s fellowship application website. Other forms of application will not be considered.
El CREAF precisa incorporar a un técnico o una técnica especialista para trabajar en un proyecto sobre ecotoxicología de abejas solitarias, STRESSBEE (Combined effects of pesticide exposure and other stressors on solitary bees) con ref. PID2021-128938OB-I00. CONVOCATORIA 2021 «PROYECTOS DE GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO» - FEDER y financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN). Se ofrece un contrato a jornada parcial (26h semanales), con previsión de incorporación a mediados/finales de octubre de 2023, con fecha estimada de 1 año de duración. Se ofrece un salario de 15.869,90€ brutos anuales.
CREAF is seeking a predoctoral researcher for the WATERSCAPE project (The waterscape as a framework for species coexistence) with reference PID2022-142083NB-C21 funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, the Agencia Estatal de Investigación and FEDER, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. The project will aim to elucidate how phylogenetic relatedness is reflected in the coexistence patterns across different environmental gradients. The research is explicitly linked to theoretical ecology developments and aims to provide empirical evidence (observational and experimental) by considering physical and biological components of coexistence theory adjusted to specific field realities. Beyond traditional habitat partitions, the waterscape continuum template (spatially and temporally dynamic water on and within the upper layer of the Earth) will provide the framework for considering the dynamics of species-environment interactions. The project will use high-mountain landscapes as physical settings and diatoms as model organisms. The project will include two approaches of complementary nature: field observations and experiments in the high-mountain waterscapes of the Pyrenees, and laboratory experiments in CREAF and ECAM-UB (Estació Científica d’Alta Muntanya, UB). Diatom community composition will be evaluated using metabarcoding, molecular procedures and bioinformatics will be carried out. A set of numerical techniques merging community and network analysis will be applied. And the integration of experimental data and field observations will be investigated. This contract is envisaged to start in between November to January 2024 but will depend on the moment of the definitive concession*, since there are 3 months (starting on 1st of the month) for start the work contract. The salary offered (gross) is stablished by the RD EPIF (Real Decreto 103/2019, de 1 de marzo, por el que se aprueba el Estatuto del personal investigador predoctoral en formación): - 1st and 2nd years (12 months): 56% of €31,520.86** = €17,651.68 each year. - 3rd year (12 months): 60% of €31,520.86** = €18,912.51. - 4rt year (12 month): 75% of €31,520.86** = €23,640.65. *The start of the contract will depend on the final resolution of the project, not coming into force until it’s resolved and it’s possible to allocate expenses to it. **Salary from Group 1 (M3) of the salary table from the Convenio colectivo único para el personal laboral de la Administración General del Estado of 2023 (subject to possible salary increases when new salary amounts are approved).
CREAF is seeking between 1 and 3 students* for the STOIKOS project (Elemental ecology: towards an element-based functional ecology, reference: 101076740 — STOIKOS — ERC-2022-STG funded by the European Research Council. *Between 1 and 3 students depending on the suitability of the candidates to the chosen topics and their CVs. The project aims to investigate whether the elemental composition of organisms relates to ecosystem functioning, and whether ecosystem elemental diversity predicts ecosystem functioning better than traditional metrics of diversity. The candidate will join the Elemental Diversity and Macroecology research team ( ), a multidisciplinary working team using observations, experiments and theoretical modelling to answer our scientific questions. The candidate will benefit from the training and career development opportunities offered through our research team and CREAF, exposure to international research and interaction with other national and international collaborators. This contract is envisaged to start in October/November 2023, but by accepting this offer it will be understood that the candidates agree to request their own financing through predoctoral grants such as FI, FPU or LaCaixa..., and during the period of this contract, which will last for at least 3 years and with a possible 4th year financed in the event that this period is not covered by the predoctoral grant obtained. The salary offered (gross) is stablished by the RD EPIF (Real Decreto 103/2019, de 1 de marzo, por el que se aprueba el Estatuto del personal investigador predoctoral en formación): - 1st and 2nd years (12 months): 56% of €31,520.86* = €17,651.68 each year. - 3rd year (12 months): 60% of €31,520.86* = €18,912.51. - 4rt year (12 month): 75% of €31,520.86* = €23,640.65. *Salary from Group 1 (M3) of the salary table from the Convenio colectivo único para el personal laboral de la Administración General del Estado.
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