Francisco Lloret lab at Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals), located in the Autonomous University of Barcelona campus, is looking for a full-time pre-doctoral researcher for 4 years under the Call “Convocatoria Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica, Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023. Programa Estatal para Desarrollar, Atraer y Retener Talento. Subprograma Estatal de Formación Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2021. Proyectos Severo Ochoa y María de Maeztu"
Application period: from 28/10/2021 to 11/11/2021 (until 14h)
Position reference: CEX2018-000828-S-21-1
Application site:
Topic: Assembling of demographic analysis of temporal trends in resilience based on state-of-the-art demographic analyses, where structured population models will be built for various species in the community simultaneously. By linking observed changes in different resilience measures to multi-species changes in abundances derived from demographic transitions, the demographic properties of a community (e.g., strength of species interactions, life history differences between species, strength of environmental effects on demography) that confer resilience will be characterized. Multi-species demographic models, will be projected assuming IPCC climate change scenarios in order to derive the demographic mechanisms that can confer future stability to communities.
Application requirements (provide supporting documents):
- Master degree in the area of soil science, ecology or zoology
- Excellent academic records (at least those of the call)
- High English communication skills
- Excellent writing skills
- Experience in the analysis of quantitative data in R software or other platforms
- Strong motivation to work in a collaborative environment
- Driving license
Selection process:
Those interested send an updatde CV and the academic grade record, along with a letter of motivation, descriving the acomplishment of the requirements above before 10 October 2021. The contract is expected to start by summer 2022.
Contacts: Francisco Lloret (
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