Research groups this member belongs to EcoPhys: Ecosystem Physiology and Global Change v.flo@creaf.uab.catOffice: C5b/-108orcid profile researchergate profile I have a degree in Bio-system Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and an MSc in Terrestrial Ecology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and I am currently a PhD student at CREAF.My research focuses on the ecological factors that control tree transpiration on a global scale. I am also interested in the tree transpiration regulation responses to drought and the study the subdaily dynamics of sap flow and its functional relevance in the regulation of transpiration.Recent publications under CREAF affiliation A synthesis of bias and uncertainty in sap flow methodsFlo V., Martinez-Vilalta J., Steppe K., Schuldt B., Poyatos R.2019Agricultural and Forest Meteorology271: 362-374Doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.03.012 Yearly fluctuations of flower landscape in a Mediterranean scrubland: Consequences for floral resource availability2018Doi: View more publications