Office: C5b/-112

I am a scientific naturalist and applied ecologist, passionate about ecology, conservation and terrestrial ecosystems management. I have a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences (2017) and a Master in Biodiversity (University of Barcelona, UB). Since October 2020 I am a PhD Student at CREAF, where I am investigating the behavioral and populational effects of authorized pesticides sprays on solitary bee pollinators, particulary Osmia sp. (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae).

In my short career I have focus on arthropods and their function, especially insects and their role in biodiversity management and conservation. I am fascinated in the management and conservation of agroecosystems and their services. Specifically, I am interested in the effects of landscape heterogeneity and management on biodiversity and ecosystem functions maintenance, like pollination and the protection of crops through biological pest control.