Has been part of 1 CREAF projects Projects involved in FORGENIUS Improving access to FORest GENetic resources Information and services for end-USers d.chaparro@creaf.uab.catOffice: CM7I received the degree on Biology from UAB, and the MSc in GIS and Remote Sensing (2012) and in Terrestrial Ecology (2013) at UAB-CREAF. I did my PhD at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC; 2014-2018), where I worked on the environmental applications of L-band passive microwaves sensors (e.g., forest decline and fire risk assessment, among others). As a predoc I visited the Joint Research Centre (European Commission).As a postdoc, I have worked at UPC (2018-2021) and at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR; 2022-2023), where I have developed my current research lines. These include building algorithms for retrieving vegetation moisture from satellites, as well as monitoring the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum flux. In this context I also measure soil and vegetation properties and explore the relationship between the vapor pressure deficit and the water content in soils and vegetation. Also, I collaborate with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where I was a visiting postdoc for four months.At CREAF, I am working in the FORGENIUS team. I want to contribute to reduce the gap between plant physiology and satellite remote sensing, improving our capacity to estimate the vegetation water content and looking for methods to estimate, from satellites, essential variables such as the hydric potential.