REMEDEEuropean Union ProjectsProject duration: May 2006 to Apr 2008Methods based on resource equivalence to quantifiy environmental damage in the European Community (REMEDE).IntroductionThel aim of REMEDE is to develop, validate and disseminate resource equivalence methods to determine the scale of complementary and compensatory measures necessary to correct serious environmental damage or catastrophes.The project is based on experience in the USA in the development of these methodologies, as well as experience in the member states of the EU. It aims to develop these methodologies in relation to the Environmental Liability Directive and the Habitats Directive of the EU. The project brings together experts in ecology, economics and law from the United States and Europe to review experience in the application of methods and tools and to validate them in four specific cases in Europe.ConclusionsHere you can see all the deliverables of the project:D2: Work plan (pdf)D5: Legal analysis report (pdf)D6A: Review Report on Resource Equivalence Methods and Applications in the US (pdf)D6B: Use of Resource Equivalency Methods in Environmental Damage Assessment in the EU With Respect to the Habitats, Wild Birds and EIA Directives (pdf)D7: Assessment of Current Practice Regarding Environmental Liability in Member States - Draft (pdf)D8: Draft Toolkit document (Outline) (pdf)D9: Consultative workshop report (pdf) and Annex (pdf - 23MB)D11: Draft Case Studies Selection Report (pdf)D12: Draft Case Studies (opens a new window)D13: The Main Toolkit (opens a new window)D14: Presentation at the meeting of the Member States, 19 January 2007, Brussels (pdf)D14: Presentation to the Spanish Ministry of the Environment, 18th April 2007, Madrid (pdf)D14: REMEDE presentation at EEB ELD Workshop, 4 June 2007 (pdf)D14: Presentations from the Environmental Liability Directive Conference, 27 November 2007, London(opens a new window)D14: Briefing Meetings with Member States, industry representatives and the European Commission, 11-12 March 2008, Brussels – Overview of REMEDE (pdf)D14: Briefing Meetings with Member States, industry representatives and the European Commission, 11-12 March 2008, Brussels – Overview of the REMEDE Toolkit and examples (pdf)D14: Presentations from the Environmental Liability Directive Conference, 2-3 June, Warsaw (opens a new window)D14: Presentations from the Environmental Liability Directive Conference, 26-27 August, Stockholm(opens a new window)