Retana J, Cerdà X (1991) Behavioural variability and development of Cataglyphys cursor ant workers (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Ethology 89:275-286.
Cerdà X, Retana J (1991) Sobre la fundación de la sociedad en la hormiga Cataglyphis iberica (Emery, 1906). Orsis 6:127-140.
Badia D, Roman A, Alcañiz JM (1991) Influencia de la incorporación de paja sobre la nitrificación potencial en suelos semiáridos. Comunicaciones de la XVIII Reunión Nacional de Suelos, Departamento de Edafología y Geología, Universidad de La Laguna, pp. 165-172.
Badia D, Mullor, RM Seres A, Alcañiz JM (1991) Algunes consideracions sobre l'ús del territori al Baix Cinca. I. Batecs, Institut d'Estudis del Baix Cinca (IEA) 11:8-9.
Avila A, Piñol J (1991) La pluja àcida a Catalunya. Medi Ambient, febrer pp. 71-73.
Retana J., Cerdá X. (1991) Behavioral repertoire of the ant Cataglyphis cursor (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Is it possible to elaborate a standard specific one?. Journal of Insect Behavior. 4: 139-155.LinkDoi: 10.1007/BF01054608
A picture of the behavioral pattern of the ant Cataglyphis cursor was obtained, identifying 49 acts for the workers and 19 for the queen. Colonies are, in general, very inactive, since more than 40% of the behavioral repertoire is related to inactivity. In worker repertoire some acts are very constant (such as trophallaxis and allogrooming), and others (such as activities outside the nest and brood care) undergo important variations according to the season of the year, the size of the colony, and the presence or absence of the queen. The behavioral repertoire of the queen is simpler than that of the workers considered altogether. There are two specific acts pertaining to this caste: the laying of eggs and the biting of winged larvae. Considering the results of all colonies together, we observe considerable inter- and intracolonial differences, which makes it difficult to establish a standard repertoire for the species as a whole. © 1991 Plenum Publishing Corporation.
Retana, J., Cerdà, X., Espadaler, X. (1991) Arthropod corpses in a temperate grassland: a limited supply?. Ecography. 14: 63-67.LinkDoi: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.1991.tb00634.x
Espadaler X, López Soria L (1991) Rareness in certain mediterranean ant species: fact or artifact? Insectes Sociaux 38:365-377.
Espadaler X (1991) Francis Bernard (1908-1990) In memoriam. Insectes Sociaux 38:333-334.
Cagniant, H, Colombel, P, Espadaler X (1991) Biométrie et répartition de quelques populations d'Aphaenogaster (suprasp.) senilis (Hym. Formicidae) du Bassin méditerranéen occidental et du Maroc. Vie et Milieu 41:61-71.
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