TITLE: Biodiversity conservation in a changing world: the contribution from citizen science
DATE: 31st March 2023.
TIME & FORMAT: form 12 to 1pm CET - In-person and online.
Seminars will combine in-person and online formats (CREAF, Sala Graus II, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) but in all cases, talks will be always streamed (not recorded), so they can be followed online.
HOW TO CONNECT: direct link to Karine Princé's conference.
Citizen science by their scientific and societal dimensions, along with environmental modelling, biodiversity indicators, as well as scenarios, are key tools to study anthropogenic environmental changes and their consequences on biodiversity. Such assessment is essential to guide biodiversity management and conservation strategies and for the implementation of public policies ensuring the maintenance of socio-ecosystems quality, as part of the different policy framework (e.g. European Green Deal, Biodiversity Strategy, etc). By providing extensive biodiversity datasets, often over broad geographic scales, Citizen Science can be a valuable source of data to increase our knowledge on biodiversity responses to global changes, to assess effectiveness of conservation actions or protection measures, or even to support policy decision making. In this this seminar, I will illustrate such contributions from volunteer-based biodiversity monitoring programs, at multiple spatial scales.
Karine Princé is a conservation scientist and quantitative ecologist broadly interested in applied biodiversity conservation. Her research focuses on studying the ecological responses of biodiversity to global changes and local anthropogenic disturbances, as well as to the implementation of conservation measures. Most of her work relies on data from Citizen Science programs which provide extensive data sets that allow conducting ecological research at multiple spatio-temporal scales. Her research aims at providing tools for policy decision support and conservation management. Since 2019, she provides her expertise to the European Commission (EC-JRC) on different topics from the modelling of biodiversity indicators in scenario assessment exercises as part of CAP policy process, to the development of urban biodiversity profile in European cities using citizen science data.
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