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4th PROGRESS Interregional workshop - Improved landscape governance for economic and environmental sustainability

Jueves, Marzo 31, 2022 10:00 - 13:30 (CEST)

The aim of the Interreg PROGRESS project is to initiate a process of policy change towards the conservation of biodiversity and the maintenance of nature’s capacity to deliver the goods and services that we all need. This event is the last one of the Interregional Training Workshop (ITW) of PROGRESS aimed at policy and decisions makers. Join the event in person in Florence (Italy) or follow it online!

Program agenda in Central European Time (CET) - (Subject to changes)

10:00 Welcome, Marina Lauri, Responsible for Agriculture, Forestation and policies for internal areas, ANCI Toscana, Italy.

10:05 About Interreg Europe PROGRESS, Besnik Mehmeti, PROGRESS Coordinator, ANCI Toscana, Italy.

10:15 Introduction to the 4th Interregional Training Workshop, Jordi Pietx, PROGRESS Communication Manager at CREAF, Spain.

10:25 Panel 1: ANALYSIS

● LIFE VIVA GRASS – Integrated planning Tool of grassland management - Anda Ruskule, Baltic Environmental Forum, Latvia.

● Virtual Forest – Markus Korhonen, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

● Environmental Sensitivity Mapping (ESM) Webtool to Support Strategic Environmental Assessment and Plan-making in Ireland, Ainhoa Gonzalez, University College Dublin, Ireland.

Moderator: Janis Zvirgzdins, Riga Technical Universit.

11:10 Discussion.

11:25 Panel 2: AGREEMENTS

● Rural-Urban Governance Arrangements and Planning Instruments: Community for Food and Agro-biodiversity - Massimo Rovai, Università di Pisa.

● Landscape Charters in Catalonia - Pere Sala , Director of the Catalan Landscape Observatory.

● Innovation in governance for adaptation: examples from Catalonia. Annelies Broekman, Consultant on Water Management Policies, Citizen Participation and Social Movement Networking.

Moderator: Anabel Sánchez, Impact Officer, CREAF.

12:10 Discussion.

12:25 Panel 3: ACTIONS

● Forest Restoration and Amelioration Program, Ana Isabel Morgado, Head of Forest Restoration at the Barcelona Province Council - Technical Office for the Prevention of Forest Fires and Agricultural Development, Catalonia-Spain.

● Blue Green City project - Bryan Riney, Southern Regional Assembly, Ireland.

● The Green Office as an integrated approach for going green - Attila Varga, Municipality of Hegyvidék, Hungary.

Moderator: Dragos Stefanescu, University of Craiova.

13:10 Discussion.

13:25 Conclusion.

Photo: Castiglione di Garfagnana by Eva Boer on Unsplash

Organizado por: 
Progress Interreg Europe
anci toscana