Brenda Verónica Fatecha
I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology (2019; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB) and a Master's Degree in Terrestrial Ecology and Biodiversity Management (2020; UAB). I am currently a predoctoral researcher at the UAB collaborating with Rafael Poyatos López, Jordi Martínez-Vilalta and Maurizio Mencuccini in the DATAFORUSE project that uses the SAPFLUXNET global sap flow database. The thesis is framed in analyzing how the different hydraulic attributes and water use strategies of trees result in different responses to drought, quantifying the water use resilience from transpiration time series to understand the temporal dynamics of these responses and assessing the contributing biotic and abiotic factors.
During my formative years, I have been captivated by plant physiology, the functioning of ecosystems and their vulnerability to global change. The reflections on these questions have led me not only to research but also to want to publicize the importance of the habitats that surround us and the actions that we can take as citizens to delay their loss. Specifically, I focused my study on Posidonia oceanica, collaborating for three consecutive years with the ‘Viu la Posidònia’ project organized by the Ajuntament d'Eivissa and founding the dissemination website: Currently my areas of interest are ecophysiology, forest ecology and the fluxes of water, carbon and nutrients in plants. With my research I hope to further develop the knowledge we have about the hydraulic attributes and the dynamics of forest systems.