At CREAF we carry out studies on ecosystem function and the roles of species, populations, and communities of organisms in defining environmental constraints. These studies are vital for managing and conserving biodiversity.

Our services are addressed to professional experts in management of protected areas and biological resources, to environmental departments of large companies, or researchers at institutions with activities that are academic, ecological, biological or environmental in nature.

Over the past few years, various emblematic projects have demonstrated the experience and quality of the services offered by CREAF in this field.

Tools and information systems


Information system of exotic terrestrial and aquatic species of Catalonia.

Go to Exocat webpage


Open access knowledge platform for the management of biodiversity and the natural heritage.

Go to Prismàtic webpage


Citizen science platform reporting personal observations of plant or animal species.

Go to Natusfera website


Phenological observations created by citizens for scientific analysis of global change.

Go to RitmeNatura website


Urban butterfly monitor citizen observatory.

Go to uBMS webpage


Citizen science observatory to fight invasive mosquito vectors of global diseases.

Go to MosquitAlert webpage

Maps and inventories

Catalog of the protected and endangered fauna and flora

Inventory of endangered and protected species present in the Natural Park of Cap de Creus, in accordance with national legislation, EU directives and international agreements, both terrestrial and marine.

Link to the catalog



Monitoring, vulnerability and assessment of Barcelona city biodiversity.

Full report