Regional Projects
Project duration: 
Jan 2023 to Dec 2023


Climate culture project that works to promote a new cultural and educational model by encouraging citizen action through educational centres and cultural facilities towards climate emergency. A series of actions will be carried out in 3 educational centres and cultural facilities on the impact of the deforestation of primary tropical forests on global change and the violations of rights that this entails as a paradigmatic case of the effects of the dominant economic, consumption and food model on the climate emergency, and the importance of transforming these models through culture and education. In this sense, the actions combine documentary images, participatory methodology and citizen science as tools for transformation and social cohesion, working with educational communities in the city and its surroundings.

The project is aligned with the Climate Emergency Action Plan 2030. Specifically, it responds to the strategic objective of promoting citizen action and is framed within the area of climate culture. In this area, the project contributes to action lines 16 (Cultural action for climate) and 17 (Climate cooperation).


  • Itinerancy of the Primary exhibition in the educational centres of the project and in a facility in the neighbourhood where they are located.
  • Scientific dissemination activity based on a talk in classrooms on the contents of the Primary project.
  • Implementation in the classrooms of the educational centres of the educational capsule designed within the framework of the Primary project.
  • Screening of the short film about an environmental defender in schools and neighbourhood facilities.
  • Collective action with students and families based on the contents worked on and the learning achieved during the project.


  • Primary BCN