Exotic ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Balearic Islands.

Gómez K, Espadaler X (2006) Exotic ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Balearic Islands. Myrmecologische Nachrichten 8: 225-233

Lasius brunneus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) una plaga del corcho en el NE de España: II. Biología y pruebas de control.

Espadaler X, Bernal V, Rojo M (2006) Lasius brunneus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) una plaga del corcho en el NE de España: II. Biología y pruebas de control. Boletín de Sanidad Vegetal Plagas 32: 411-424

Hormigas de los bosquetes periurbanos de Barcelona.

Espadaler X, Bernal V (2006) Hormigas de los bosquetes periurbanos de Barcelona. Quercus 242: 27-29

Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter, 1950 en España (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)

Espadaler X, Cuesta D (2006) Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter, 1950 en España (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Graellsia 62(2): 261-262

Les formigues de la vall del Madriu-Perafita-Claror.

Bernadou A, Latil G, Fourcassié V, Espadaler X (2006) Les formigues de la vall del Madriu-Perafita-Claror. Hàbitats 13: 10-21

Long-term impact of exotic ants on the native ants of Madeira.

Wetterer J, Espadaler X, Wetterer A, Aguin-Pombo D, Franquinho-Aguiar A (2006) Long-term impact of exotic ants on the native ants of Madeira. Ecological Entomology 31: 358-368

Thermal history influences diapause development in the solitary bee Megachile rotundata

Yocum G.D., Kemp W.P., Bosch J., Knoblett J.N. (2006) Thermal history influences diapause development in the solitary bee Megachile rotundata. Journal of Insect Physiology. 52: 1113-1120.
Doi: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2006.07.010


Respiration rate, time to pupation and the expression patterns of selected genes were examined during the diapause to post-diapause transition in the alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata held at constant 4 °C in winter storage. Respiration quotients were at or below 0.7 from December to May and then increased to over 0.8 in June and July. The time required for prepupae to reach the pupal stage following transfer to 29 °C decreased from 23 days in December to 10 days in July. HSP70 was expressed at a consistently high level in all the diapausing prepupae stored at 4 °C. In contrast, we demonstrated previously that HSP70 expression in diapausing prepupae maintained under field conditions began decreasing after December and was expressed at trace levels in the June samples. Transferring prepupae stored at 4 to 25 °C at monthly intervals from December to July induced a significant decrease in HSP70. Levels of HSC70 showed no changes during the transition to post-diapause development in prepupae maintained at 4 °C. Transferring the prepupae to 25 °C during the April-June time interval elicited an increase in HSC70 expression. HSP90 was expressed at a consistent level in prepupae stored at 4 °C but decreased to very low levels after being transferred to 25 °C in December-February prepupae: no decrease was noted in the April-July prepupae. Actin was expressed at trace levels in the diapausing prepupae maintained at 4 °C and increased slightly in the post-diapausing pupae. Transferring prepupae stored at 4 to 25 °C at monthly intervals from December to July induced an increase in actin expression. These results indicate that the level of gene expression for selected genes in diapausing and post-diapause bees is highly influenced by their thermal history. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Memòria CREAF 2004

(2005) Memòria CREAF 2004. . : -.

Mapes de precipitació màxima diària esperada a Catalunya per a diferents períodes de retorn. (CD-Rom)

Casas MC, Cunillera J, Amo X, Herrero M, Ninyerola M, Pons X, Redaño A, Rius A, Rodríguez R (2005) Mapes de precipitació màxima diària esperada a Catalunya per a diferents períodes de retorn. (CD-Rom) Generalitat de Catalunya (Dep. de Medi Ambient y Habitatge) y Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya. (ISBN: 84-393-6870-4).

Seguimiento de la Evapotranspiración Real Diaria en Cataluña mediante el uso de imágenes Landsat-7 ETM+ y los Sistemas deInformación Geográfica.

Cristóbal J, Ninyerola M, Pons X (2005) Seguimiento de la Evapotranspiración Real Diaria en Cataluña mediante el uso de imágenes Landsat-7 ETM+ y los Sistemas deInformación Geográfica. 6th Geomatic Week proceedings (ISSN 1699-3489).
